Tours in Budapest
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Private tours

Budapest occupies the 6th rank among the most visited European cities, taking pride in several parts of the city which belong to the World Heritage Sites.

In the course of the programme we show the participants round to the most outstanding places in the capital within the frame of a guided sightseeing.


Design Workshop is a unique opportunity for all those who have always been interested in perfume-making and in the related world unknown for most of us, or just simply want to get more information about secrets, namely about the fact that the first, officially recognized perfume got the name „The perfume of the Hungarian Queen”, and that its inventor was a Hungarian person.

This is a programme which is the most popular from all, regardless of the time of the day we do it.

The one-hour long luxurious ship excursion on the Danube, going past by that part of the river which has been on the list of the World Heritage Sites for a long time. It is rare to see the capital from this perspective.

Szentendre is the town of painters – and of how many other things! It is a settlement of Hungary along the Danube bank which is world-famous with its enormous and beautifully preserved, cared downtown. Its mediterranean atmosphere grasps everyone who has ever spent an hour among the narrow streets.

While Szentendre is the town of painters, Visegrád is the town of kings. This small town located at the heart of the Danube bend is breath-takingly beautiful and catchy, mainly due to the fact that every inch reflects the atmosphere of the historical past. In the frame of our half-day excursion we visit among others the Acropolis and the Royal Palace.

Lake Balaton is an inexhaustible paradise with its abundant opportunities for the tourists visiting Hungary, for many reasons: those getting bored with the lake can set off to find the most spectacular cultural treasures of the various settlements, while those who have had enough of the wines of the Balaton regions and the sights of the surrounding area can recharge their batteries on the beach. Even so, Lake Balaton is still much more than this and cannot be got bored with in half a day. We always agree on the details of the Balaton trips with our groups, since the variety is really wide.

This excursion provides a really unique opportunity, since it is supplemented with a water limo designed based on the model of the water taxis of Venice. From this vehicle we can properly see the beautiful downtown of Szentendre. While drinking a glass of champagne, we will realize that the Danube bank opens up a really different world to us from this perspective than what we usually see.

In the course of the one-hour long luxury ship excursion, leaving Budapest we head for the picturesque Visegrád, on the way watching the Danube bank, which is one of the World Heritage Sites, and having a look at Szentendre. In the town, which used to be the capital of Hungary once, we visit the Acropolis, we get to know the story of the place in the light of our country’s history and following a real Renaissance lunch, we set off for Budapest in the afternoon.

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